Summer High-School Training in Computational Biology

Mohit Mazumder, Ph.D.
3 min readJun 10, 2021
Genomics NGS application virtual lab professor Sona Vasudevan  Dr. Mohit Mazumder Bioclues organization Bioinformatics omicslogic Elia brodsky Pine biotech research education training

A unique opportunity for beginners and high school students to learn about cutting-edge genomics research and its application on biomedical & bioinformatics projects.

Genomics in the Virtual Lab is an online program led by Dr. Sona Vasudevan who is a faculty member at the Georgetown University Medical Center. Dr. Vasudevan is an expert in genomics, protein structures, clinical research, and the uses of information systems in medicine.

Genomics NGS application virtual lab professor Sona Vasudevan Dr. Mohit Mazumder Bioclues organization Bioinformatics omicslogic Elia brodsky Pine biotech research education training

This opportunity will offer an overview of research in one of the fastest-growing biomedical domains where big data, machine learning, and information technologies are applied to solve biomedical challenges.

Genomics NGS application virtual lab professor Sona Vasudevan Dr. Mohit Mazumder Bioclues organization Bioinformatics omicslogic Elia brodsky Pine biotech research education training
Pre-scheduled session on week 1 & week 2

Leveraging her expertise and passion for teaching, Dr. Vasudevan will introduce the students to genomic data, explain the relationship between gene sequence and structure of proteins as well as provide them with hands-on activities to find, analyze and present small research projects.

Collaborations for High-School Bioinformatics Education & Literacy

Our Guest speaker for the program Dr. Arighi leads the Uniprot database efforts and leads the BioCreative and Biocuration efforts. Research Associate Professor, Center of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Department of Computer and Information Sciences, University of Delaware

Protein Ontology:

NYSCHEY, Sri Lanka

Our collaborative partners NYSCHEY are a translational bioinformatics company based out of Sri Lanka ( and will be co-hosting several of the omics logic bioinformatics training programs.

Project Driven High-School Education & Training

Learn to infer biological insight from data and gain in-depth knowledge from project examples to start your own future independent projects.

Nethra Srinivasan’s Research Presentation on Transcriptomic Profile of the Aging Female Brain

Your Big Data Independent Research project

One of the objectives of the program is to be able to develop an independent project or gain experience from working on a project with a research team.

To be able to work on an independent research project on big data the objectives will be to:

  1. First, find a problem with a specific and focused problem that you are interested in
  2. And from the problem statement, collecting raw data that you need to answer your problem. This step would require you to define the context with specific questions and then to be able to find relevant data
  3. that can be evaluated i.e if the data can actually answer the question that you’re posing? followed by selecting the methods to process the data and prepare and organize it for analysis.
  4. To do exploratory analysis exploratory analysis
  5. The project proposals will be refined during the third and fourth weeks of the program. The structured proposals will be shared with Judges (renowned scientists & domain experts) for review and Personal feedback to projects.

See examples of “in silico” research projects completed by our Omics Logic training/research program graduates at the high school level on our YouTube Channel:

Nethra Srinivasan’s Research Presentation on Transcriptomic Profile of the Aging Female Brain

Genomics in the Virtual Lab, Student Project Presentation: Cystic Fibrosis and CTFR mutations

Amelia Truong — Coral Bleaching and Oxidative Stress

Microglial Cells in Pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s Disease — OmicsLogic Project by Andres Muedano





Mohit Mazumder, Ph.D.

Ph.D. in Computational Biology | Bioinformatics Project experience ~12 years over 80 projects & Online Tutor | Director of Global Business Development Pine Bio